Ok, ok, we admit it: We have a huge, gigantic girl crush on you.
I mean, just look at you...

While we were watching you on last night's Top Chef, we were totally wishing that you would come over to our house for a slumber party, and we could play dress up and drink tea and eat cookie dough and braid each others' hair. But more to the point, we were wondering what we would possibly make for you for breakfast, just like those cheftestants had to. And, then, of course, we realized we would make a breakfast leftover version of our very favorite recipe of yours. Ham in Cherry Coke! We'd serve it with fried mashed potatoes and a runny egg. Seriously, Nigella, we've made this recipe at least 10 times, and let us tell you, everyone always raves. It's the weirdest thing, but it is seriously scrumptious. So we think if we made it for you, you'd get a good chuckle, and in exchange maybe we'd get a knowing wink of approval.
Daphne and the girls

Ham in Cherry Coke
Our Go-To Crowd Pleaser Recipe
Seriously, Everyone, You Should Really Try It
Adapted from Nigella Lawson's Feast: Food to Celebrate Life
- The biggest bone-in ham you can find
- A whole bunch of 2-liter bottles of Cherry Coke
- The biggest pot you can find... ours is a lobster pot that we bought on the cheap in Chinatown. It has to be big enough to fit the ham (obvs)
- Fit the ham in the pot, cover with water, and bring the water to a boil. Drain the water. This will eliminate any salty unsavoryness.
- Fit the ham back in the pot, cover with Cherry Coke, and bring the Cherry Coke to a boil. Reduce to a simmer. Cook and cook and cook the ham, letting the little porker soak up all of the smoky sweet cola goodness. (For every pound account for about 30 minutes of cooking time; a 6-lb ham will take about 3 hours, give or take.) As the Cherry Coke reduces, just keep pouring more in to cover the ham as well as you can.
- Take the pot off the stove, place it in the sink, and carefully remove the piping hot ham, placing it onto a serving tray. By now, the crowds will be swarming around.
N.B. Nigella, we know that you recommend to glaze the ham with cherry jam and cloves and to roast it for 15 minutes after removing from the pot, but every time we make the ham, we can't resist just eating it right then and there, glazeless, naked, and quivering.