Friday, February 12, 2010

Carbo-loading, Vancouver Olympics-style

Tonight for the opening ceremony of the 2010 Winter Olympics, we'll be honoring our friendly neighbors to the North... we'll be hunkered down in front of the TV, tooks on our heads, Canadian Club on ice, homemade maple kettlecorn in a bowl, golden ring Nanaimo bars in the oven. And a big box of Kleenex in reserve. Nothing quite gets the waterworks going for us like the Olympics.

Our preferred headgear, Exhibit E via American Revolution Gear


You know, on ice.
Homemade Maple Kettle Corn
Recipe inspiration here and here and even here
Special thanks to The Kitchn for a wonderful recipe and reminder of one of our very favorite Canadian treats... that delightful combination of nutty cereally crust, creamy interior, and dark chocolate top.

Nanaimo Bars via The Kitchn

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