Il me laisse par ailleurs languissant,
d'aller savourer un jour en bonne companie,
ces delicieuses tartes, sources d'extasie...
Peu importent qu'elles soient salees ou sucrees,
Car toutes sont pour moi sources d'intensite...
It also leaves me yearning,
go enjoy a day in good company,
these delicious pies, sources of ecstasy ...
Regardless of whether savory or sweet,
For me all are sources of intensity
- Boubazine Abdelhakim

This Sunday, get ready to get your pie on at the Fourth Annual Prospect Park "Pie in the Park" - a community pie tasting party - sort of the perfect event for the end of the summer. If last year's competition is any indicator what is to come this year, we're all in for a treat.

Follow your nose to the Tennis House South at the Southern part of the Long Meadow by the 9th Street entrance to Prospect Park.

Pie check-in is from 1-2 pm. Eating starts promptly at 2. They're expecting a lot of pies.

Winners will be named for Best Crust, Best Filling and Best Presentation. Last year's highlights included miniature lemon-curd basil crust pie pops, the "Rock of Love" amaretto cherry pie, and (wait for it, wait for it) a candied bacon pie with bacon ice cream.