We've been known to be fans of
Food in Art,
Food as Art, and
Art as Food - all tasty combination two of our favorite things. We've also been known to like
meat in paint form - so naturally we are smitten with Scott Conary's meat still life paintings.
We first saw them on the cover of RISD's Alumni publication,
RISD XYZ - enamored we remain in all of his work, which can be found on his
There is something kind of ... haunting about all of Conary's paintings. The lonely farm houses, the eerily lit Habanero, that kind of terrifying
hammer...there is something almost sadistic and quite literally raw in them. For still life paintings that blatantly
fetishize dinner, we think they are amazingly personal.
For more information, check out
his website.
Another good interview with him on
The Daily Meal.