Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Gastronomista's Garden of Eden Cocktail on Glass Backwards

Gastronomista Glass Backwards Garden of Eden

I am thrilled to share with you my recipe for the Garden of Eden cocktail that I created for the Glass Backwards series!

I first saw Jude's videos this spring, and basically lost. my. shiz. because I loved the concept so much.  Since then, we have become fast friends - trading stories from the cocktail scene, sharing Saveur Best Blogs nominations, and plotting on ways to collaborate together.

Gastronomista Glass Backwards Garden of Eden
I am beyond honored to be included in this series.  He has chosen so many wonderfully talented bartenders to feature, it was a bit daunting to step up to the plate (and behind the bar) to make this cocktail! 

Speaking of bars, many thanks to Iris Cafe who hosted us.  Thanks for letting me on the other side of the bar from my usual seat to make drinks for you!

Without further ado {Click Play!}

The best part of being a blog-tender instead of a real bartender, is that I always get to drink my own drinks!

Gastronomista Glass Backwards Garden of Eden

Thank you SO MUCH to Jude for this awesome video - I'm blushing with delight! 
Gastronomista Glass Backwards Garden of Eden

Follow Jude Here:  He's doing some awesome stuff, and you're going to want to keep up with this one. 

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