Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Scanwiches is a blog run by Jon Chonko and features the most amazing scans of a wide range of sandwiches from the completely mundane (read: that PB & J you remember so fondly from your youth) to the extreme (read: The Dagwood that only a true competitive eater could tackle). The scans are quite lovely - crumbs and wrappers, and the delicious sections of meat, vegetable, condiment, and the rogue potato chip. We find that eating sandwiches whilst reading Scanwiches needs an appropriate soundtrack.

Scan on Mr Chonko, Scan on.

Banh Mi So 1: Vietnamese Meatball

Thanksgiving Left Over Sandwich: Dark Meat Roast Turkey, Turkey Skin, Sprouts, Swiss Cheese, Jellied Cranberry Sauce, Turkey Gravy on an Roll

Ed’s Lobster Bar: Lobster Roll, on toasted bread

Koolman Ice Cream Truck: Neapolitan Ice Cream Sandwich

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