For those of you looking to build a substantial edible garden, the New World Gift Basket ($31) includes a collection of heirloom veggies such as Calico Popcorn, Costata Romanesco Zucchini, Dragon's Tongue Bean, Fox Cherry Tomato, New England Pie Pumpkin, and Sweet Salad Pepper. But of course, the baskets are fully recycled paper seed-starting trays that can be used to get that garden going. Otherwise, a la carte selections are available on their site for $3.50 each or $3.00 for members. Each seed pack is designed by a different New York state artist, and we like their style. Here are a few of our favorites:
The Kaleidoscope Carrot, which sprouts a rainbow of colors including purple, yellow, white, red and (yes) orange:
The New Yorker Tomato, a juicy red tomato with bright acidity and full flavor:
Calico Popcorn, a colorful collection of fall popcorn kernels that grow into 6-inch cobs:

Ragged Jack Kale, your "wavy, frilly, soft and tender garden friend":

Piracicaba Broccoli, the Hudson Valley Seed boys' favorite garden variety broccoli, with its "endless sweet florets":