No longer an industry secret, wigs of the rich and famous are becoming more and more ostentatious than ever. Wigs are all the rage these days - superstars wearing a different color and a different style each day. We've been watching our favorite ladies wearing all the shades of the rainbow: Natalie Portman in
pink, Rihanna in
red, Katy Perry in
purple, and one of our favorites - Gaga in
gray. But just recently, Ms. Manaj took it up a notch at the launch of Versace's line for H&M. Her coiffures of palm fronds reminded us of the grandiose hairstyles of the 18th century.
Ms. Manaj - Foliage and All
Ladies of French courts would adorn themselves with extravagant themed wigs decorated with flowers, model birds, butterflies, ships, and even food. These wigs were extremely expensive, equivalent to 5-6 acres of land, and women were known to bankrupt their husbands trying to keep up with the fashion trends.
It was common for women to wear vegetables in their hair -
a pouf a la jardiniere - including such tasty morsels as cabbage, radishes, herbs, turnips, carrots, and artichokes.
"I shall never again wear anything but vegetables! It looks so simple, and is so much more natural than even flowers." - Overheard in Court
Marie Antoinette - La Belle Poule |
Another Satirical etching represents a woman putting
Carmen Miranda to shame - balancing melons, full fruit baskets, pineapples, pears, and a bushel of peaches on top of her head.
But a lady is not limited to wearing perishables on their head, how about a wig made of a protective product, such as Saran Wrap? We're completely smitten with these wigs by
Kate Cusack - they too capture the spirit of the grandiose, the extravagant, and the glamour of the 18th century versions. We would just
die to wear one of these to a grand ball!
Want more wigs?
Waiter, There's a Hair in my Satire on BibliOdyssey